About Kern

Think big. Then take care of the details.

Company brochureKERN machines

The company Kern Microtechnik GmbH has been successful worldwide with innovative products and services Made in Germany for 60 years now.

When you purchase a Kern machine, you automatically become part of the Kern family. Within the framework of this technology partnership, our experts will accompany you from the planning to the implementation of your complete production process, including the start of series production - for the life of the machine.

Our Story

The roots go back to 1962, when the company Kern Microtechnik was founded by Kurt Kern as a precision contract manufacturer for the emerging high-tech industry. Today, the company Kern Microtechnik develops and manufactures high-precision CNC machining centres at the machine tool building Eschenlohe plant for the production of parts where the μ matters. At the Kern Murnau contract manufacturing plant, we solve the most difficult tasks in the high-end area of machining with our Kern CNC machining centres and state-of-the-art measuring technology. Quality, reliability and the constant drive to push the boundaries of what is possible are the cornerstones of our entrepreneurial activities.

The Kern story - our company chronicle


Foundation of machine shop

Foundation of machine shop

The company KURT KERN KG FEINWERKTECHNIK was founded in 1962 in Munich-Obermenzing.


New technologies

New technologies

Purchase of the first Agie wire EDM machine (the first in Bavaria), as well as the first CNC-controlled milling machine.




Kern becomes a training company and trains its first apprentices in the occupation of "toolmaker".


Start of machine development and production

Start of machine development and production

KERN receives an enquiry from IBM for the production of probe cards made out of Vespel for microchip production. Since no suitable machine is available, KERN develops and builds a high-precision CNC drilling machine. This project leads to KERN Machine Engineering.


Relocation to Murnau-Westried

Relocation to Murnau-Westried

Foundation of the Murnau-Westried site for the Microtechnology division. The importance of the Machine Engineering business continues to grow.




Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001

Market launch: HSPC


Takeover and turnover

Takeover and turnover

Turnover (DM): 18.8
Employees: 85
Günter Kern retires. Ekkehard Alschweig takes over the company and consistently expands it into a technology enterprise.




The legendary "hole in the hair" project, carried out on the Kern microdrilling machine, stands for the technological advantage of the company KERN as a pioneer in the field of microdrilling. Visualised by threading a thin wire (0.03 mm) into the hole (0.05 mm), inserted into a human hair (approx. 0.15 mm).


Market launch

Market launch

Turnover (€): 10.7
Employees: 82
Market launch of the KERN Evo and KERN Pyramid Nano.




Relocation of the mechanical engineering department to the Eschenlohe plant. This enables industrial production of the Kern machines on 15,000 square metres.

Strengthening of the international orientation by founding the current sales subsidiary KERN Precision Inc., Chicago/USA.


Market launch

Market launch

Expansion of the machine portfolio with the market launch of the "KERN Micro MF11", named after Dipl. Ing. Matthias Fritz, the developer of the machine. This is also the birth of the Kern Micro platform.


Change of name

Change of name

Change of company name and corporate form at the Munich Local Court to "KERN Microtechnik GmbH".


Further Development

Further Development

Turnover (€): 18.4
Employees: 131
Increased focus of contract manufacturing on key components and complex series parts. The share of the medical technology/optics sector is increasing.

Consistent further development of machine construction and the Kern Micro platform.




New subsidiary in Zurich, Switzerland. From now on, the Swiss customer base will benefit from an optimized range of services.


Market launch

Market launch

Turnover (€): 30.4
Employees: 185
The first machine type of the Kern Micro platform is introduced to the market: The Kern Micro Pro.


Further expansion and change of ownership

Further expansion and change of ownership

Simon Eickholt and Sebastian Guggenmos take over Kern and realign the company for future-oriented further development.
New sales and service location in Shanghai, China: KAP - KERN Asia Pacific.


Market launch & Award

Market launch & Award

The Kern Micro Vario and Kern Micro HD are launched. They complement the Kern Micro platform.
Kern Microtechnik receives the TOP 100 Award for outstanding innovation management.


Launch Kern Femto E3

Launch Kern Femto E3

The first Kern The laser machine was developed and introduced to the market together with KLM - the company of the former managing director Ekkehard Alschweig.


Engraving in the hair

Engraving in the hair

In collaboration with tool manufacturer ZECHA, Kern once again pushes the boundaries of what is possible and engraves the words "ZECHA + KERN" into a human hair on a Kern Micro HD.


Award + Ceramic Processing

Award + Ceramic Processing

The company Kern repeatedly receives the TOP 100 Award for outstanding innovative success.
The Kern application technology develops the "ductile cutting mode" in the machining of technical ceramics and thus achieves a breakthrough in the machining of hard ceramics.


40 years of apprenticeships

40 years of apprenticeships

The company Kern is an IHK-certified training company in the professions of industrial mechanic and mechatronics engineer. With approx. 30 trainees and 4 trainers, training is the largest specialist department in the company.


60 years Kern Microtechnik

60 years Kern Microtechnik

Founded in 1962, Kern turns 60 and celebrates its anniversary.


Kern receives "Bavaria's best 50" award

Kern receives "Bavaria's best 50" award

Kern Microtechnik receives the "Bavaria's best 50" award, which is distributed to particularly fast-growing medium-sized companies.


Outlook to the Future

Outlook to the Future

Consistent further development of the two corporate divisions of mechanical engineering and contract manufacturing.





Our locations

About Kern - Simon and Sebastian

"We build uniquely productive and precise machines for applications with the highest requirements. In addition to our machine and process expertise, teamwork and the will to find the best solution play a decisive role."

Simon Eickholt &
Sebastian Guggenmos

Managing Director

About Kern - Alexander

"I´ve been with KERN since the start of my apprenticeship as a mechatronics technician in 2002. Since then I´ve become an engineer and am still fascinated by my work. We simply don´t make standard products, instead, we always push back the limits of what is technically possible."

Alexander Stauder

Head of Application Technology

Your career

Qualified employees are the success factor in the company. At Kern , we strive to ensure that
each individual identifies with the company and builds up an emotional bond with it. In this way, we try to consistently counteract the shortage of skilled workers.


  • Apprenticeship
  • Internships & Theses
  • Occupational Retraining
  • Vacancies
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Quality and environmental management

Kern Microtechnik meets highest quality standards for all machines and processes in our company. Our goal is high efficiency and careful use of resources. Our quality management according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and environmental management according to DIN EN ISO 14001 play an important part for improving our products, processes and organisation at Kern .

See all certificates